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DC Director of Hockey

Keith Stanich

Director of Hockey 2022-2025

Nick Davidson

Directory of Player Development 2022-2024

Tim Brennan

Goalie Director 2023-2025

Travis Bebee

Boys Program Coordinator 2022-2024

Phone: 507-208-6152

Jessica Stanich

Girls Program Coordinator 2023-2025

Keith Stanich

Mite Program Director 2022-2024

USA Hockey Magazine/January 2020: Coachable Kids

Do You Have A Coachable Kid?

Dodge County Youth Hockey

DCYH Director of Hockey

Planning and Hockey Operations for all levels of DCYH

Player Development:                                                                             Every child is at a set point in their development. Our primary purpose is to help every player move this point along by providing instruction and assistance. To be successful, we will make our purpose clear, make it fun, grow as a team, & repeat this often.